
What's next

The paperwork has been submitted and signed off on, so I suppose it's official.  B is resigning his commission as an active duty Marine and rolling reserves.  He has reached the end of his contract and is READY for civilian life.  We are headed to...

Me?  I'm nervous, scared, excited, ready, sad, happy....in a word: conflicted.  BUT.  I'm giving it to God.  With everything that has happened these past few month, it is so clear that God needs us to be near Bs family (and hopefully, one day soon, my parents will make the move back to their Texas roots, too!).  The days that I don't give it to God I am a hot mess.  Moody would be the nice way of describing my attitude.  But when I truly place all my worries at His feet?  I'm on top of the world!

We have also decided to rent for a while longer.  We were trying so hard to find a home, but all we would do is argue over every house we saw (well, there was one that we fell in love with, but the sellers weren't budging on their price).  When we realized our conflict was streaming from going against God's will, all the tension that had been created in our marriage literally disappeared.  It was amazing.  

So that's where we are.  We'll be moving in November and starting a new adventure!  I'll be building my Scentsy business with new local customers, B already has a job lined up, we'll start house hunting again in the new year, and HOPEFULLY expand our little family again.


  1. I do wish you all the best. We are now 6 months in "on the other side," and I'm still having to question our decision all the time.
    Prayers for you guys!!

  2. On the bright side, you will be heading to "God's country". Prayers for a smooth transition!

    I also wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster award. You can read all about it here http://www.domesticatedcombatboots.com/2013/09/the-liebster-award.html

    I hope you can take some time to do it! I'd love to hear all your answers to my questions!!!
