
Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day with Elizabeth out of the womb!  B and E made my day super special.  Seriously, the best part was spending so much time together.  Saturday my loves went out and ran some mommy day errands, which I thought was so sweet.  This morning I was treated to breakfast in bed (french toast, my favorite!) and lots of cuddles.

Once we were all up and moving, E and I went on a little date to Starbucks while daddy took a nap.  By time we got back home, Elizabeth had fallen asleep so we switched cars and headed north to Temecula for lunch.  I chose to go to Buffalo Wild Wings.  Not fancy or special, but I was craving their wings!
Once we were back home I took the pup to play while B did some chores around the house.  Including hanging up the mobile I made last night.  B took E in to the garage to finish my Mother's Day gift from her.  A few minutes later he called to me to bring some wipes and the camera.
He had used (wall) paint (I know) to get her handprint in to a book, with the goal of each baby putting their hand print in the book each year till they are 18.  How creative and sweet is that?!  I was super impressed!  And after I snapped a few pictures she went straight in to the bath!

 I also got the Ju Ju Be diaper bag I've been wanting, and I love it as much as I thought.