

Today, I am extra thankful for my best friends.

I would say I have 5 best friends...the girls who I would drop everything for, and who would do the same for me.  The girls who know all my secrets and love me anyways.  The girls who tell me when I'm being a bitch/am wrong/have a horrible idea. The girls who have seen me both at my absolute lowest low and at my absolute best.  I've taken care of their babies and been in their weddings/they have been in mine.  I've flown across the country and the world {literally} for them.

Every day I am so thankful to have these amazing women in my life, even though only one is here in California.  I'm thankful we have been able to stay so close despite the miles, time zones, and many months we go with out seeing one another.

And on a totally unrelated note, here is Kimber, my parents boxer puppy:

My dad said she was awake and every few minutes would give him the shiftiest look ever, and then hide her eyes again

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Kimber is the cutest thing! Especially when she has her head buried like that!
